earrange the following sentences into good orders so as to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ibuhajjahlostcontrol pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

earrange the following sentences into good orders so as to become a good and coherent procedura xt. HOW TO COOK RICE 1. Close the outer lid tightly until it "clicks" 2. Then, press the "cook" or "power" button and wait for about 15 minutes. When the rice is cooked, the indicator lamp will turn green 3. Before putting the inner pan into the body of the rice cooker, wipe dry the outside of the inner pan. Place the inner pan into the body. Tum it slightly to the right and left until it fits and sits properly. 4. Wash the rice twice in a bowl. 5. Pour water to the inner pan. Adjust the amount depending on your preference by following the markings inside the inner pan. It shows the amount of water required. 5. Then, put the cleaned rice into the inner pan. awaban Pada Kotak dibawah ini​

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haaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaapppppppppaaaaaaaa

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Aug 23