ANNOUNCEMENT The Students' Association will hold a student gathering for

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Students' Association will hold a student gathering for students of grade VII on August 15 at the hall. Please all students come. For more information, Contact Rudy at the Students' Association Office Students' AssociationWhat the text about?
What kind the text is it?
When Will the activity be held?
Who must join the activity?
Where can you read the announcement?
What kind of the text?
What the purpose of the text?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


What the text about?-

What kind the text is it? Announcement

When Will the activity be held? on August 15th

Who must join the activity? all grade VII students

Where can you read the announcement?Contact Rudy at the Students' Association Office Students' Association

What kind of the text?-

What the purpose of the text?-

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Dec 22