buat cerita b ing menggunakan present continious tense dan future

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hillaryandinibasuki pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Buat cerita b ing menggunakan present continious tense dan future tensee

dikumpulin besokk:)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Title: Going to the Beach

Present Continuous Tense:

It is a beautiful day outside, and the sun is shining bright. Sarah and her family are packing their bags and loading them into the car. They are going to the beach for the weekend. Sarah's dad is putting the cooler in the trunk, while her mom is getting the beach towels and sunscreen.

Sarah and her little brother are playing catch in the yard while waiting for their parents to finish. They are both excited about the trip. Sarah is wearing her favorite swimsuit, and her brother has a new pair of goggles he can't wait to try out.

Future Tense:

Sarah and her family are going to have a great time at the beach this weekend. They are going to swim in the ocean, build sandcastles, and fly kites. They are also going to have a picnic on the beach and watch the sunset.

Tomorrow, they are going to take a boat ride to explore the nearby islands. They are going to bring their snorkeling gear and see all the colorful fish and coral reefs. Sarah can't wait to take pictures and show her friends at school.

On Sunday, they are going to have breakfast at a local cafe before heading back home. Sarah is going to miss the beach but is looking forward to all the photos and memories they will have from their fun weekend trip.


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Last Update: Sat, 10 Jun 23