READING TEXTTextLast holiday my family and I went to Jakarta.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari violaenjelina060 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas


Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited my uncle’s house. It had a big garden

and a lot of colorful flowers and tennis court.

On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum and went up to the top of monument

which had the golden symbol of the spirit of our nation. From the top we could see the beauty

of the metropolitan city. On Saturday we went to Ancol beach to see DuniaFantasiand Dolphin


On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went home. We really enjoyed our


Answer the question 1 5– 20 based on the reading Text above !

16. What is the title of the text?

a. My holiday

c. Their holiday

e. his holiday

b. Our holiday

d. her holiday

17. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. Describing uncle

c. describing uncle house

e. describing your house

b. Describing house

d. describing my house

18. What are the past tense verbs in the text?

a. Went

c. enjoyed

e. went, visited, enjoyed

b. Visited

d. went, visited

19. Where did the writer go on holiday?

a. Jakarta

c. Yogyakarta

e. Bali

b. Palembang

d. Lombok

20. What place did the writer visit on Sunday?

a. Ragunan zoo c. Dewata Island

e. Sea

b. Puntikayu zoo d. Boroboudur Temple

21. What is the sentence that use past tense ?

a. we visit my uncle house

c. On Saturday we go to ancol e. We go home

b. On Sunday we go to ragunan zoo

d. We visited my uncle house

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


16. A. My holiday

17. C. Describing uncle's house

18. E. Went, visited, enjoyed

19. A. Jakarta

20. A. Ragunan zoo

21. D. We visited my uncle's house.


cek foto untuk penjelasan

jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya. terimakasih sehat selalu

Jawaban:16.	A. My holiday17.	C. Describing uncle's house18.	E. Went, visited, enjoyed19.	A. Jakarta20.	A. Ragunan zoo21.	D. We visited my uncle's house.Penjelasan:cek foto untuk penjelasanjika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya. terimakasih sehat selalu

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23