Hello, my name is Katy. I have a twin sister

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Hello, my name is Katy. I have a twin sister named Nina. My father is Denis and my mother is Martha. We live with my grandparents and my uncle’s family. Dan and Emma are my grandparents. My uncle is Tom. He is married to his wife Liz Ananta. Aunt Liz works in the same school with my father as a sport teacher. My uncle has three children named Sara, John, and Laura. We go to the same school with Sara. We usually ride together with Uncle Tom because our school is next to his office. My mother picks up us after school, because she works mostly from home as an interior design.  * 2.       How many children does Uncle Tom have?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Uncle Tom has three children.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23