Find out the structure of the song you're my best

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Find out the structure of the song you're my best friend ?

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The song "You're My Best Friend" is a popular song by the band Queen. It was written by the band's bass guitarist John Deacon and released in 1975 as part of their album "A Night at the Opera." The song follows a typical structure commonly found in popular music, which is verse-chorus form.

The structure of "You're My Best Friend" can be outlined as follows:

1. Intro: The song may start with an instrumental introduction that sets the mood for the song.

2. Verse 1: The first verse introduces the lyrics and melody of the song. It usually tells a part of the story or expresses a specific emotion.

3. Chorus: The chorus is the catchy and memorable part of the song that is repeated multiple times throughout. It often contains the main message or theme of the song and has a melodic and lyrical hook.

4. Verse 2: The second verse continues the story or develops the theme further.

5. Chorus: The chorus is repeated again to reinforce the main message of the song.

6. Bridge: The bridge is a section that provides a contrast to the verses and chorus. It may have a different melody, rhythm, or lyrical content. In "You're My Best Friend," the bridge section features a key change and showcases a different musical arrangement.

7. Chorus: The chorus is repeated again, usually with heightened energy or intensity.

8. Outro: The song may end with a final chorus repetition, a fade-out, or a specific musical conclusion.

It's important to note that the structure of songs can vary, and different variations or additional sections may be present depending on the artist's creative choices. The structure provided here is a general guideline based on common songwriting practices.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23