16. Identify phrases followed by modifying clauses or phrases in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari GoTutor pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

16. Identify phrases followed by modifying clauses or phrases in a text entitled Ways to Fight Corruption' in groups. See the example.• Phrases followed by prepositions
• Phrases followed by modifying clauses
• Phrases followed by present participles
• Phrases followed by past participles​
16. Identify phrases followed by modifying clauses or phrases in a text entitled Ways to Fight Corruption' in groups. See the example.• Phrases followed by prepositions• Phrases followed by modifying clauses• Phrases followed by present participles• Phrases followed by past participles​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Identified phrases by modifying clauses in theWays to Fight Corruptiontext above are:

Phrases followed by prepositions:

  • “There are many problems that are faced in big cities.”
  • “Instead of traffic jams and crime, corruption is one of the biggest ....”
  • “Everyone
  • in
  • the international community ....”

Phrases followed by modifying clauses:

  • “Participating in fighting against corruption.”
  • “Invest in effective development programs and capture corrupt politicians ....”

Phrases followed by present participles:

  • Endeavouring to prevent fraud ....”
  • Assisting countries that ask for help ....”
  • “... consideration of
  • lending
  • to a country ....”

Phrases followed by past participles:

  • “There are many problems that are faced in ....”
  • “... the biggest problems hardly tackled by ....”
  • “... launched a program
  • called
  • ....”


Preposition adalah kata depan dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti: to, by, in, of, dan lain-lain. Modifying clause adalah klausa atau frasa yang dipersingkat dalam bahasa Inggris. Present participles adalah kata dasar yang diberikan imbuhan –ing. Sementara past participles adalah kata dasar yang diberikan imbuhan –ed atau -d.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang identifying the noun phrase of the following sentences pada yomemimo.com/tugas/18676763



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Last Update: Wed, 14 Dec 22