This rare deer, which exists on only one island, isashort-legged

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sitigubugan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

This rare deer, which exists on only one island, isashort-legged and bushytailed species. Its coarse hair is brown in adults, except for lighter patches on the throat and around the eyes. Young Bawean deer, or fawns, occasionally have a few faint spots on their coat, but this disappears quickly with age.     Like other deer, the males of this species are distinguished by their antlers. The antlers of the Bawean deer, which are fully developed by the age of 21 months, are relatively small compared to other deer living in tropical areas.     The Bawean deer feeds mainly on forbs and grass-like plants. Occasionally, it also feeds on crops. These small deer occur only on Bawean Island, Indonesia, mostly in the hilly central region. Bawean deer inhabit hill forest.1. Bawean deers have.....antlers than other deer in tropical areas
a. bigger
b. longer
c. smaller
d. stronger

2. where do Bawean deers live?
a. subtropical forest
b. rainforest
c. hill forest
d. desert​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.c. smaller

2.c. hill forest

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Last Update: Sat, 20 May 23