Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari RahilAzhar pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Mindmap Consep
Jika saya lihat dari soal itu mappingnya terkait personal Introduction (kearah jenjang pribadi seperti Family/Relative)
Saya akan jelaskan strukturnya bagaimana sih, nanti bisa di buat sendiri ya saya ambil contoh dari pengalaman pribadi saya saja
Introduction structure
Hi im (name....)
Isinya terkait nama/bio kalian : Nama, Sapaan, Tanggal lahir, Tinggal di mana?, dsb.
E-Mails/Letters -> Elements
Isinya berupa sapaan terhadap orang yang sedang mendengarkan Introduction kalian
Asking for and Giving information about oneself and Family Relationships
Disini sebenarnya kalian bisa langsung mulai atau bisa di buat antara bio sama pengalaman/story di pisah atau bisa di bahas menjadi 1 kesatuan secara detail
(Introducing oneself)
Kedua Introducing oneself dan Relatives/Family isinya terkait kepribadian kalian, misalnya : Saya adalah putra dari (nama ayah/keluarga) dll.
Di sisi ini bisa di jelaskan terkait hal apa saja seperti
I wanna to be a great Indonesian General (but not for today :( dll.)
I have a resorts, villas, hotels, industrial companies, etc.
Tinggal menjelaskan ulang terkait diri kalian sendiri/Family/Relatives
(Subjective Pronouns)
*saya ambil contoh ayah saya
He was the most admired man in his battalion...
(Objective Pronouns)
His had a company of soldiers who were highly respected during his time as lieutenant colonel who has served for 20 years
(Possessive Pronouns)
Their had lots experience served in army who vanguarding special corps.
atau kalau mau lebih singkat dan universal bisa menggunakan struktur seperti ini:
Perkenalan/Inroducting (Name, Date of birth, address, dream, goal, hobby, favorite things, etc.)
Examples: saya gunakan introducing pribadi
Hello Good Morning everyone, how are you lads? alright I wanna to introduce my self, There is a saying that if you don't know me then you don't love me.
My name was Kade (full name/nama lengkap kalian) and you can call me ikdrama2020 (nickname/nama panggilan kalian). I was born on Malang 21 July 1960, I live on Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I was Retired Soldier who fight against terrorism that is rampant in this world.
I will tell you about my career while I was in the army. First before becoming a real soldier, I was just an ordinary person who always got things I shouldn't have, from being bullied at school to being discriminated against by the residents because I had a different belief. I always struggle to face all of this somehow in order to get a bite of rice, from gardening, farming, going to sea to even fighting the heavy rain. I finished my bachelor degree in computer and language. At first, I pushed the handlebars to become a teacher, which at first was not easy to attract students' attention until finally I became popular in teaching because I always gave my own characteristics that were liked by my students.
After several years I became a teacher, I was offered to be a school principal but I turned it down because I felt ready to become a true soldier because of the opening of a military academic test which I was very interested in taking (my main goal actually hahaha). I passed after taking an academic test and immediately entered to become a candidate for military cadets and in the end, yes, I was still accepted after completing this basic test, my hope was fulfilled.
dan seterusnya...
Thanks for listening to my introduction and maybe some of my personal stories, I say a black cat walking over the car, its tail trailing under the barrel that's all from me I'm sorry thank you se you later...
Semoga Membantu
Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh ikdrama2020 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.
Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact
Last Update: Sun, 12 Mar 23