Malin KundangOnce upon a time there was a child named

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Malin KundangOnce upon a time there was a child named Malin Kundang who was born to a poor family. His mother is a widow who lived in poverty.

Malin, who wanted to change his destiny, asked his mother’s permission to migrate. With the permission of his mother, Malin went sailing.

Several years later, Malin returned to his hometown with a very beautiful wife. Malin had become a wealthy merchant who owned dozens of merchant ships.

His mother, who heard her son’s return, came to welcome him. But Malin was ashamed to see his mother in tattered clothes like a beggar.

Malin did not admit that she was his mother. His mother was so disappointed and hurt that she cursed if Malin was indeed her son, he would become a stone because he didn’t want to acknowledge his mother.

Malin Kundang, his wife and the entire crew turned into stones after a storm hit their ship.
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Last Update: Mon, 24 Apr 23