Leo : "Do you like surfing the Internet?" Diana: "Of

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Leo : "Do you like surfing the Internet?" Diana: "Of course, I do. I have had the Internet connection since 2010, and I love it. A couple of months ago, I bought a new computer with big memory and speed. I think Internet and computer are the greatest discoveries in life. What do you think about that?" Leo : "I do think so. By the way, what do you use the internet for? What kind of things do you search for in the internet?" Diana: "Lots of things. I always wanted to learn about the stock market, and with the Web, I can start to learn." Leo : "Have you ever bought products online from the internet?" Diana: "Yes, I have. Last month, I found a great website where I can purchase music. My old computer didn't have a CD burner, so I'm very happy with my new one. Technology nowadays is really great." : "Yes. Did you sell your old computer?" Leo Leo Diana: "No. It was about eight years old. I have just removed the hard drive and left it on top of the garbage dumpster but someone has taken it." : "That's too bad."​

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pertanyaannya apa kak?

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Last Update: Thu, 11 May 23