Jelaskan pengertian Narative text, Social function, Generic Structure, dan language

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Jelaskan pengertian Narative text, Social function, Generic Structure, dan language features dalam bhs.inggris

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Narrative text: A narrative text is a type of text that is used to tell a story or relate an event. Narrative texts can come in the form of short stories, novels, or films.
  2. Social function: Social function refers to the purpose or intent of the text, in terms of the message it aims to convey and the audience it is meant to reach.
  3. Generic structure: Generic structure refers to the typical organization or structure of a particular type of text. In the case of narrative text, this typically includes an orientation, a series of events, and a resolution.
  4. Language features: Language features refer to the specific linguistic elements used in a text, such as vocabulary, grammar, and style. In narrative text, these may include descriptive language, dialogue, and use of literary devices such as metaphor and simile.

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Apr 23