What is the advantage of studying grammatical relation and thematic

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What is the advantage of studying grammatical relation and thematic role in learning English?​

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The study of grammatical relation and thematic role in learning English can provide several advantages, including:

1. Improved comprehension: Understanding the grammatical relation and thematic role of words in a sentence can help students better understand the meaning of the sentence as a whole. For example, knowing that the noun "teacher" in the sentence "The teacher gave the students a lot of homework" is the subject, and the verb "gave" is the action, can help students understand the sentence's meaning more clearly.

2. Enhanced communication skills: By understanding how different parts of a sentence relate to each other and how they express the meaning of a sentence, students can better express their own ideas and thoughts in English. This can help students become more effective communicators both in the classroom and in real-life situations.

3. Improved writing skills: Understanding grammatical relation and thematic role can help students improve their writing skills by allowing them to create more complex and meaningful sentences. By choosing the right words, phrases, and structures, students can better convey their message and produce more persuasive and effective written communication.

4. Better grammar knowledge: Studying grammatical relation and thematic role provides students with a solid foundation in English grammar, helping them understand the rules governing sentence structure, verb tense, and word order. This can help students avoid common grammatical errors and build a more advanced understanding of the language.

Overall, the study of grammatical relation and thematic role can help students develop advanced English language skills, improve their writing and communication abilities, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the language's rules and structure.

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Aug 23