Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media There are advantages

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social MediaThere are advantages and disadvantages to everything in everyone's life, and that includes our social networking habits. Using social media is widespread across all ages and professions and is common around the world.

With social media people have the chance to connect with others and share information through social media. It's the communication that brings us all together, and it's easily accessible.

Another benefit of social media is that all important things such as major news events, missing person weather information, etc. can cover in the world in a moment. It didn't happen in the past before the usage of social media.

If your objective is to be healthier, joining a group with the same purpose and making long- distance friends help keep you accountable can go a long way towards making those goals a reality. Encouragement and support are crucial, and Social Media can help with that.

One disadvantage of social media is privacy problem. Sharing your online location or getting in trouble at work because of tweeting something inappropriate or sharing too much with the public can cause you some issues that sometimes can't ever be solved.

Since using a social network is all done on some computers or mobile devices, it is possible that using social media will disturb one's health especially eyes. Social media uses the media of computers and celluar phones. When using social media, people may stare into the light from a computer or phone screen.

Texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc. separate us from our families more than we actually think it does. When a family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality, most children are on their phones rather than watching the film with their parents.

The debate about whether social networking is good or bad is expected to continue. There is nothing to be nervous about if you and your children use social media sites in moderation.
a. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
b. What is the main idea of paragraph six ?
c. Summarize the text in three sentences !​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a. The main idea of the second paragraph is the ability of social media to quickly spread important information and news to a global audience.

b. The main idea of paragraph six is that social media can create a disconnect within families, as individuals may prioritize their online interactions over spending quality time with their loved ones.

c. Social media has both advantages and disadvantages. It allows people to connect and share information easily, but it can also lead to privacy issues and health problems. It can bring people together for common goals but may also create a divide within families. Moderation is key when using social media.


Text diatas menjelaskan tentang advantages (kelebihan) dan disadvantages (kekurangan) yang disebabkan oleh social media.

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Aug 23