what is one of the traffic managements?​

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What is one of the traffic managements?​

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One of the traffic management techniques is Traffic Shaping.

Traffic shaping is a mechanism used to control the rate of network traffic flow. It regulates the flow of data packets to ensure that network resources are allocated efficiently and fairly among different users or applications. Traffic shaping helps in preventing network congestion, optimizing bandwidth utilization, and prioritizing certain types of traffic over others.

With traffic shaping, network administrators can set specific bandwidth limits, prioritize traffic based on predefined rules or policies, and control the transmission rate of packets. This helps in managing network traffic and preventing situations where a single user or application consumes excessive resources, leading to performance issues for other users.

Traffic shaping can be implemented using various techniques such as token bucket, leaky bucket, or hierarchical token bucket algorithms. These algorithms monitor the rate of incoming traffic and apply shaping mechanisms to regulate the flow based on predefined rules.

Overall, traffic shaping is an important traffic management technique that helps in maintaining network performance, improving quality of service, and ensuring fair resource allocation.

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Aug 23