Section 1 hoose the correct answer by crossing a, b,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ayuningsihm35 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Section 1 hoose the correct answer by crossing a, b, 1. Robi has just read a scary story. The underlined word is called a/an.... a. b. Final Year Ass noun adjective C. d. adverb verb​

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Based on the provided options, the correct answer is:

a. noun

In the sentence, the underlined word "scary" describes the type of story that Robi has read, which is a characteristic of a noun. Adjectives are used to describe or modify nouns, so "scary" functions as an adjective in this context.

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Last Update: Thu, 31 Aug 23