TUGAS KD 4.15 Change the sentences into the reported speech.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adry75649 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TUGAS KD 4.15 Change the sentences into the reported speech. 1. He said," I live in London" 2. She said," My mom has just left the airport five minutes ago" 3. Kate said, "Kate took my book yesterday" 4. Paul said, "Jane is writing the book" 5. I said, "Tim was in hospital" He said, "I have lost my key" Ben said," The train leaves at 5 o'clock. 6. 7. 8. Ani said," We will phone our chairman two hours later. 9. Father said," I went to the office two days ago" 10. Sella said," We are waiting the meeting for sixty minuteshe said I live in London ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. He said that he lives in London.

2. She said that her mom had just left the airport five minutes ago.

3. Kate said that she took her book yesterday.

4. Paul said that Jane was writing the book.

5. I said that Tim was in the hospital. He said that he had lost his key. Ben said that the train leaves at 5 o'clock.

6. Ani said that they will phone their chairman two hours later.

7. Father said that he went to the office two days ago.

8. Sella said that they are waiting for the meeting for sixty minutes.

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Last Update: Mon, 13 Mar 23