Task 5 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azzahrobaihaqi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 5 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks! Seriously, Cinderella Is So Annoying! The Story of Cinderella Told by the Wicked Stepmother You must have heard of me. The (1) st stepmother? That's not true. It's just another one of Cinderella's wild stories. Not as wild as the one about the pumpkin or the one about the fairy (2) .... The real story, the true story, began with some chatter and some dust. - mansion All I ever wanted was a husband and a (3) .... Before I married Cindy's father, my two darlings and I had met Cindy only a few times. The girl had seemed normal then. After I married Cindy's father, my darlings and I moved in. When I had just one foot on the front step, my dear husband kissed me goodbye and said, "I'm off on (4)...!" "He's often away," Cindy said, "but the (5) ... stay put. They talk. They joke. They sing. They even help out - especially the bluebirds." Now, I don't mind a good story but I do prefer facts to fiction. Soon, the girl was talking all kinds of (6).... "Once upon a time," Cindy said, "one of the bluebirds became blue. Not the color. The feeling. His friend had flown south My darlings and I were stuck near the front door. I just wanted to put away my bags. That's when I saw it: (7) .... Piridal QR Code untuk Mendengarkan "Dear, is the whole house this dusty?" I asked. "I don't know," Cindy said. "I'll give you a tour!" In the dining room, Cindy told stories. In the study room, Cindy told stories. Non-stop. "Girls," I said, "time to get to work. This place needs a good cleaning." "Once upon a time, when I was cleaning..." Cindy started. Cindy (8)... the floor. She finished so fast, while my darlings had barely started. "Did you know robins and sparrows are my friends?" she said. "The (9)... don't like the robins, though. Silly (10) ...! Once upon a time, one of the robins -" "Cindy, dear," I said, "why don't you go and wash the clothes now, hmm?" Cindy washed them so fast! How on earth did she do it? I had to find another chore for her, just to keep her busy. "If there's one thing (11) ... love, it's washing clothes," Cindy said. "The rats, though, would rather iron. You know, one day I -" "Squirrels and rats doing laundry? Stop telling such (12)... stories!" I finally said. Time passed, but nothing changed. In the garden, Cindy told stories. I "Oh, stepmother, I want to go, too!" said Cindy. "Once upon a time, a girl and a prince..." Source: https://medium.com Dusty Cinderella In the kitchen, Cindy told stories. At dinner, I couldn't hear myself think. "Dear, please," I said, "STOP TALKING!" Cindy didn't stop. One day, a letter arrived. It was an invitation to the king's (13).... The prince would surely fall in love with one of my darlings. Then, they would marry, live in a beautiful castle, and one day be king and queen of all the land! Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X-2 33​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. wicked

2. godmother

3. mansion

4. a journey

5. mice

6. tales

7. a dusty mansion

8. swept

9. mice

10. mice

11. Cinderella

12. ridiculous

13. ball

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Aug 23