B. KOSA KATA Untuk soal nomor 21 - 28, pilihlah

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari srilestari130673 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. KOSA KATAUntuk soal nomor 21 - 28, pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.

21. Due to the recruitment of new employees, my manager .... me from taking a leave.
A. postponed
B. delayed
C. withheld
D. maintained
E. cancelled

22. Government budgets for provincial development are required to be .... to prevent revolts against government policy.
A. similar
B. adequate
C. partial
D. equitable
E. significant

23. The restructured organization of the new management has .... changes which contributed to the success of the company.
A. turned up
B. brought about
C. put forward
D. called on
E. made up

24. during the dutch .... education for indonesians was limited to the elite.
A. conquest
B. position
C. settlement
D. invasion
E. occupation

25. i would like to use the .... interest of my deposit to buy a modest house for my parents.
A. accumulated
B. collected
C. added
D. grown
E. gathered

26. computer game businesses usually .... during vacations when students can spend their time for hours playing games.
A. enjoy
B. thrive
C. progress
D. prosper
E. celebrate

27. as a national educational institute, our university has defined it's .... so clearly that efforts to achieve the goal can easily be specified.
A. proposal
B. policy
C. vision
D. rules
E. system

28. it was a .... move to expand her investment in the export of woodwork.
A. established
B. projected
C. calculated
D. planned
E. counted​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.









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Last Update: Sat, 07 Jan 23