Christopher's Encounter with the Aliens It was a dark and

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Christopher's Encounter with the Aliens It was a dark and stormy night. The whole of Greentown was Convered by dark clouds. Christopher was returning home. It Started raining cats and dogs Suddenly he saw a u.F.O appearing from the clouds above In no time it landed on the road. Three aliens came out. Chris was astonished as he could understand their language. Their plan was to take all the trees away from earth. Not wasting a moment, Chris called his friends. Those aliens painted out to a tree. An Conic blue light shot out from their hands making a tree Vanish Soon, Chris's friends arrived. They tried to scare thore aliens by throwing stones, but in vain. Luckily, Mr. Goon, the fat Inspector of the area arrived. With a frightened look on bis face, he shot at those aliens one of them pointed his finger at Mr. Goon. To everyone's amazement Mr. Goon became as thin as a Stick. Every body laughed Suddenly. Anna, chris's friend, ran towards them, Chouting at the top of her shrill voice. Those aliens got the fright of their lives and vanished along with their Space ship. The kids were delighted. They had saved their planet. Mr. Goon was left fidding with his pants.1. what is the story about?
2. who are the main characters in the above story?
3. when does the complication un the story start?
4. which sentence functions as an orientation?
5. what moral value can you learn from the above story?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The story is about Christopher's and his friends Encounter with the Aliens

2. The main characters in the story are Christopher, Chris, and Mr. Goon

3. When Mr. Goon came to help.

4. "Christopher's Encounter with the Aliens It was a dark and stormy night. The whole of Greentown was Convered by dark clouds."

5.  The moral value of the story is to be brave about defending whats right, and a strong teamwork will result in positive outcome.

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Last Update: Sun, 23 Apr 23