160 Juicy Fresh Marinated in Descriptive Words and Expressions on

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mdriyas612 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

160 Juicy Fresh Marinated in Descriptive Words and Expressions on a Menu Menus often contain special language to make items sound delicious. The following words and expressions can also convince the guests to order more food, such as appetizers or dessert Example Item Crispy Available with Chunky Lightly breaded, battered Bottomless, free refills Drizzled with Coated in, glazed Finished with Garnished with Generous portion, heaping, loaded with Home style, homemade, made from scratch Essential Grammar 2 Description Meaning Guests can have this food served with other items. Guests can have more without paying. Many large pieces of meat or vegetables. Covered in a sauce (often before cooking). Makes a crunchy sound when you chew. A small amount of liquid poured over top. Final step of the food preparation. Just off the farm/out of the garden. Decorated with A large amount of From a recipe (not a package) With liquid remaining for taste Rolled in bread crumbs, eggs, or other mixture and cooked. Left in fridge to soak up sauce/ juice/flavoring. All burger selections are available with whole wheat buns Coffee and tea is bottomless A steaming bowl of chunky vegetable soup Breast of chicken coated in teriyaki sauce Caesar salad with fresh lettuce and crispy croutons Apple pie and vanilla ice cream drizzled with butterscotch A generous portion of spaghetti and garlic tomato sauce, finished with homemade meatballs All omelets are made with three fresh egg whites. Our dinners are garnished with fresh parsley and seasonal fruit. All sandwiches are served with a generous portion of fresh cut fries. Try our chef's homemade chili with fresh baked bread. FORWARD for Vocational School Grade X Garden salad with juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions Our fish is lightly battered in beer. Our steaks are marinated in a rich peppercorn sauce.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The menu offers a variety of descriptive words and expressions to make the items sound more delicious and appealing to the guests. For example, the menu mentions that the food is crispy, chunky, lightly breaded, battered, bottomless with free refills, drizzled with liquid, coated in a sauce, glazed, finished with garnish, and comes in generous portions.

The menu also mentions that the food is home-style, homemade, made from scratch, just off the farm/out of the garden, from a recipe (not a package), and has liquid remaining for taste.

The menu offers a variety of options such as all burger selections available with whole wheat buns, bottomless coffee and tea, a steaming bowl of chunky vegetable soup, breast of chicken coated in teriyaki sauce, Caesar salad with fresh lettuce and crispy croutons, apple pie and vanilla ice cream drizzled with butterscotch, a generous portion of spaghetti and garlic tomato sauce finished with homemade meatballs, all omelets made with three fresh egg whites, and all sandwiches served with a generous portion of fresh cut fries.

The menu also offers some specific dishes such as the chef's homemade chili with fresh baked bread, garden salad with juicy tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions, fish lightly battered in beer, and steaks marinated in a rich peppercorn sauce

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jun 23