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Deskripsi tentang laki laki dalam bahasa Inggris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


My Older Brother

I have a brother. He is very good at me. His name is Riski Kurniawan. As generally a brother, my brother and I almost look similar. We both have curly and short hair. My brother also has the same nose like me. However, although, my brother and I look similar, I had a bit of difference. He has a white color while I have a brown skin color. My brother is about 50 cm higher than me. His height is approximately 170 cm. The difference in our age is little. He is 23 years old while I am 20 years old. Perhaps that makes us close to one another.

Many people regard us that we are twins. But I think we are a little different. For example, My brother doesn’t like durian. He hates that fruit. Even just smelling it could make him vomit. But I really love the durian. He loves football while I love basketball. And also, my brother is a very quiet person when at home while I am an active person who is always moving to seek attention.

My brother is very kind to me. He always teaches me new things like swimming, riding motorcycles and much more. As the oldest child, he wants me to be a successful person. He always supports me every day. My Brother is a smart child; he always gets good marks in school. It is inversely proportional to me who less intelligent in the academic field. But after all, my brother is the greatest brother in the world.


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Last Update: Thu, 21 Apr 22