Choose the correct answer. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat. 1. Mr. Arul

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari etiknff0 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Choose the correct answer.Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat.

1. Mr. Arul is a... driver. He always drives carefully.
a. careful
b. loud
c. quickly
d. Fast

2. The magic trick is done....
a. amazingly
b. kindly
c. quickly
d. Patiently

3. I run very ....
a. quickly
b. quick
c. Slowly
d. Slow

4. My brother rides his motorcycle....
a. slowly
b. fast
c. quickly
d. Carefully

5. They dance....
a. beautifully
b. loudly
c. handsomely
d. patiently

6. The baby cries ....
a. slowly
b. loudly
c. beautifully
d. quietly

7. When my teacher talks too
difficult to understand him.
a. quickly
b. quick
c. slowly
d. slow

8. I always study ... for my exam.
a. hard
b. good
c. goodly
d. hardly

9. My brother always shouts... when
sees his friends on the street.
a. loudly
b. loud
c. noise
d. noisily

10. She laughs... at my jokes.
a. happily
b. well
c. angrily
d. politely

Choose the correct answer.
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat.
1. Mr. Arul is a... driver. He always drives carefully.
a. careful
b. loud
c. quickly
d. Fast
2. The magic trick is done....
a. amazingly
b. kindly
c. quickly
d. Patiently
3. I run very ....
a. quickly
b. quick
c. Slowly
d. Slow
4. My brother rides his motorcycle....
a. slowly
b. fast
c. quickly
d. Carefully
5. They dance....
a. beautifully
b. loudly
c. handsomely
d. patiently
6. The baby cries ....
a. slowly
b. loudly
c. beautifully
d. quietly
7. When my teacher talks too
difficult to understand him.
a. quickly
b. quick
c. slowly
d. slow
8. I always study ... for my exam.
a. hard
b. good
c. goodly
d. hardly
9. My brother always shouts... when
sees his friends on the street.
a. loudly
b. loud
c. noise
d. noisily
10. She laughs... at my jokes.
a. happily
b. well
c. angrily
d. politely

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.













maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Tue, 16 May 23