Islamic influence in Indonesia Foreign Muslims had traded in Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ulfaiza432 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Islamic influence in Indonesia Foreign Muslims had traded in Indonesia and China for many centuries; a Muslim tombstone in eastern Java bears a date corresponding to 1082. However, substantial evidence of Islam in Indonesia exists only from the end of the 13th century, in northern Sumatra. Two small Muslim trading kingdoms existed by that time at Samudra-Pasai and Perlak. A royal tomb at Samudra-Pasai, dating to 1297, is inscribed entirely in Arabic. By the 15th century the beachheads of Islam in Indonesia had multiplied with the emergence of several harbour kingdoms, ruled by local Muslim princes, on the north coast of Java and elsewhere along the main trading route as far east as Ternate and Tidore in the Moluccas. Samudra-Pasai's economic and political fame depended almost entirely on foreigners. Muslim traders and teachers were likely associated with the kingdom's administration from the beginning, and religious institutions were introduced to make the foreign Muslims feel at home The first Muslim beachheads in Indonesia, especially Pasai, were to a considerable extent genuine Muslim creations that commanded the loyalty of the local population and encouraged urthern coast of Java carilah 10 kalimat yang telah pernah di ajarkan?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  •    Subject: Foreign Muslims, Muslims, a Muslim tombstone, evidence of Islam, two small Muslim trading kingdoms, a royal tomb, Muslim traders, teachers, religious institutions
  •    Verb: had traded, bears, exists, existed, is inscribed, multiplied, emerged, ruled, associated, introduced, commanded, encouraged
  •    Object: in Indonesia and China, in Indonesia, in eastern Java, in northern Sumatra, at Samudra-Pasai and Perlak, at Samudra-Pasai, in Arabic, in Indonesia, on the north coast of Java and elsewhere along the main trading route as far east as Ternate and Tidore in the Moluccas, Pasai, the local population
  •    Adverbial clause: for many centuries, only from the end of the 13th century, by that time, to 1297, by the 15th century, especially Pasai
  •    Adjective clause: that commanded the loyalty of the local population and encouraged further expansion along the northern coast of Java
  •    Prepositional phrase: in Indonesia and China, in Indonesia, on the north coast of Java and elsewhere along the main trading route as far east as Ternate and Tidore in the Moluccas, from the beginning, to make the foreign Muslims feel at home.
  • Catatan: dalam soal tersebut "carilah 10 kalimat yang telah pernah di ajarkan" harus diketahui dahulu apa yang telah diajarkan pada pembelajaran kelas kamu. Untuk itu jawaban yang saya berikan mungkin tidak sesuai karena saya tidak mengetahui apa yang diajarkan.

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Apr 23