Exercise 4: Complete the sentences below with the appropriate comparison.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari robottreasure28 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences below with the appropriate comparison. Please underline the best answer.1. Tinder is … than OkCupid (popular, more popular, most popular)
2. Windows is as … as Mac (good, better, best)
3. Android is the … market in mobile phone world (large, larger, largest)
4. Sumatera is the … island in Indonesia (big, bigger, biggest)
5. Omicron is … than previous variety of Covid-19 (dangerous, more dangerous, most dangero
6. Apple pie is than burger in McDonald (crispy, crispier, crispiest)
7. IOS operating system is than android system (fast, faster, fastest)
8. Bali is the island by foreign tourists (visited, more visited, most visited)
9. Pamulang University is as as other private universities in Indonesia (influential, more influential, most influential)
10. TOEFL is the requirement in the scholarship program (difficult, more difficult, most difficult)​
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences below with the appropriate comparison. Please underline the best answer. 1. Tinder is … than OkCupid (popular, more popular, most popular) 2. Windows is as … as Mac (good, better, best) 3. Android is the … market in mobile phone world (large, larger, largest) 4. Sumatera is the … island in Indonesia (big, bigger, biggest) 5. Omicron is … than previous variety of Covid-19 (dangerous, more dangerous, most dangero6. Apple pie is than burger in McDonald (crispy, crispier, crispiest) 7. IOS operating system is than android system (fast, faster, fastest) 8. Bali is the island by foreign tourists (visited, more visited, most visited) 9. Pamulang University is as as other private universities in Indonesia (influential, more influential, most influential) 10. TOEFL is the requirement in the scholarship program (difficult, more difficult, most difficult)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. more popular

2. good

3. largest

4. big

5. more dangerous

6. cripier

7. faster

8. most visited

9. influential

10. most difficult

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh merrylie207 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jun 23