Evan Bisma Gunawan Jln. Arjuna 210 Semarang Semarang, January 7,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pratiwiayu375 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Evan Bisma Gunawan Jln. Arjuna 210 Semarang Semarang, January 7, 2022 Mr. Willy Cassidy Personnel Manager Rentoor Co. Jln. Belimbing 21 Semarang Dear Mr. Cassidy, I am writing to apply for the real estate agent position, as advertised in the Jagad Post on January 4, 2022. I noticed that the requirements for the position include state licensúre, a bachelor's degree in real estate management, and two years of prior experience working in realty. As a skilled and experienced agent, I believe I am the best candidate for this job. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I have excelled in a track record of accomplishment with Paradise Real Estate. I worked there for two years before moving to Semarang. Having worked there, I have become proficient in handling concerns from all types of customers I guide them through buying and selling professionally. I have excellent interpersonal skills with a very persuasive personality that gives me an edge in this business. I posses the ability to work within the time frame agreed upon in the contract. I also have the ability to promote my services and maintain a website to promote the listings with visual tours of the property. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am passionate about advancing my career in this field and contributing my skills to your company. I hope you will contact me to suggest a time when we could meet to discuss your need. I can be reached for an interview by calling 0891 222 1111. Yours sincerely, Evan​

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Evan bisma gunawan jln. arjuna



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Last Update: Tue, 03 Jan 23