1. (Flower) my garden has ___ in it . it

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rifakaromah48 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. (Flower) my garden has ___ in it . it is a ___ garden .2. (Bean) this soup is made from black ___ it is black ___ soup .
3. (Baby) people can buy special food in small jars for . ___ it is called ___ food
4. (Child) Dr.Adams is trained as a psychologist for ___ she is a ___ psychologist
5. (Salad) at a dinner , there are usually two forks on the table . The smaller fork is for ___ . it is a ___ fork .
6. (Fax) in our office we have a machine that sends and receives ___ it is called a ___ machine .
7. (Can) a kitchen tool that opens ___ is called a ___ opener (potato) a tool that peels ___ is called a ___ peeler
8. (air plane) seats on ___ are uncomfortable ___ seats should be made more comfortable and convenient for the passengers .
9. (Mosquito) in tropical dimates , sometimes it is necessary to hang a net over a bed to protect the sleeper from ___ it is called a ___ net .
10. (Two + hour) the plane was late. we had a ___ we had to wait for.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  • (Flower) my garden has a lot of flowers in it. It is a flowery garden.
  • (Bean) this soup is made from black beans. It is black bean soup.
  • (Baby) people can buy special food in small jars for babies. It is called baby food.
  • (Child) Dr. Adams is trained as a psychologist for children. She is a child psychologist.
  • (Salad) at a dinner, there are usually two forks on the table. The smaller fork is for salad. It is a salad fork.
  • (Fax) in our office we have a machine that sends and receives faxes. It is called a fax machine.
  • (Can) a kitchen tool that opens cans is called a can opener. (Potato) a tool that peels potatoes is called a potato peeler.
  • (Airplane) seats on airplanes are uncomfortable. Airplane seats should be made more comfortable and convenient for the passengers.
  • (Mosquito) in tropical climates, sometimes it is necessary to hang a net over a bed to protect the sleeper from mosquitoes. It is called a mosquito net.
  • (Two + Hour) the plane was late. We had a two-hour delay. We had to wait for two hours.

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Last Update: Wed, 12 Apr 23