3. Which statement does NOT express intention? A. I think

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adindakhaldataqiah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

3. Which statement does NOT express intention? A. I think I will spend my holiday at home with my friends Perhaps, I will go to Kuta Beach B. I don’t think I will surf in Kuta Beach. C. I am going to go to Bali Island. D. I have never been there . E. I am going to enjoy the sunset and play the sands on the beFill the blanks to answer question number 5-8
5. Michael : The sun is so bright today. ______?
Andre : I’m not sure. I think I will stay at home to finish my assignment.
A. is it true
B. Do you wish to come
C. Having a party is better
D. you will go to the concert
E. will you go hiking with my friends

6. Juan : ____? If not, I’m going to invite you for having dinner
Diana : I am planning to help my little sister for the school project.
A. what are doing
B. what will you do
C. Any plan for tonight
D. l will go to have dinner
E. my parents invite you

7. Fredy : I heard that you will go to Sulawesi this Thursday. What will you do there?
Sinta : _____
What is the best responses for the conversation above?
A. l wish I could go there.
B. lattend my cousin’s wedding
C. lvisited my grandparents there
D. my brother and I have an appointment
E. my parents and I are going to attend cousin’s wedding.

8. Vina :What is your intention calling Mr.Doni?
Sandy :_____?
What is the best response for the conversation above?
A. He will contact you later.
B. l plan to have remedial test.
C. you don’t need to worry about it
D. l intend to help you getting your remedial test.
E. l hope you succeed to pass the remedial test now.

9. Adit : I am thinking of going to bookstore. I heard that the new novel has been released today. Will you go with me ?
Sherin : I’m sorry, I can’t I’m afraid your girlfriend will be jealous if you often go with me.
What does the woman mean?
A. She has another plan
B. she won’t to go with Adit
C. she is going to bookstore too
D. she will go with his girlfriend
E. she doesn’t like reading novel

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


3. D. I have never been there .

5. E. will you go hiking with my friends

6. C. Any plan for tonight

7. E. my parents and I are going to attend cousin’s wedding.

8. D. l intend to help you getting your remedial test.

9. A. She has another plan


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan sudah dipilih yang sesuai.

3. D. karena menyatakan fakta, bukan niatan (intention)

5. E. karena ajakan mendaki saat mentari bersinar cerah

6. C. karena dia bertanya apakah kamu ada acara malam ini

7. E. karena jawaban mengikuti pertanyaan bentuk Future

8. D. karena pertanyaannya tentang niat, maka jawabnya niat

9. A. karena Sherin punya rencana lain

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Mon, 02 May 22