Tolongin dong Combine the sentences, using the word or phrase

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari usman5686 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolongin dongCombine the sentences, using the word or phrase in parentheses.
1. All the students had done poorly on the test. The teacher decided to give it again (since)
2. Cold air hovers near the earth. it is heavier than hot air ( because)
3. You paid for the theater tickets. Please let me pay for our dinner. ( since )
4. Larry is finally caught up on his work. He can start his vacation tomorrow. (now that)
5. Our TV Set was broken. We listened to the news on the radio. (because)
6. My brother got married last month. He's a married man now, so he has more
responsibilities. (now that)
7. Do you want to go for a walk. The rain has stopped. (now that)
8. The civil war has ended. A new government is being formed. (now that)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Combine the sentences using the word or phrase in parentheses:

  1. Since all the students had done poorly on the test, the teacher decided to give it again.
  2. Cold air hovers near the earth because it is heavier than hot air.
  3. Since you paid for the theater tickets, please let me pay for our dinner.
  4. Now that Larry is finally caught up on his work, he can start his vacation tomorrow.
  5. Because our TV set was broken, we listened to the news on the radio.
  6. My brother got married last month. Now that he's a married man, so he has more responsibilities.
  7. Do you want to go for a walk? Now that the rain has stopped.
  8. Now that the civil war has ended, a new government is being formed.


Kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung pada soal-soal di atas disebut dengan adverb clauses. Adverb clauses merupakan sebuah klausa sebagai kata keterangan. Fungsi dari adverb clauses ini adalah sebagai modifier atau penjelas untuk kata kerja dalam suatu kalimat, dan biasanya adverb ini didahului dengan subordinate conjunction.

Rumus Adverb Clauses

  • Subordinate conjunction + Subject + Verb

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Last Update: Wed, 22 Mar 23