(Text A) From the point of view of publicity, the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari juniatisuraola pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

(Text A) From the point of view of publicity, the territory can be devided into two sections: a) the urban people, who represent the market most open to Western ideas; b) the country folk, whose social conditions are still primitive and who are mostly illeterate 1. The paragraph above is dealing withA.,Sales promotion B. political campaign C. education fair D. tourist attractions 2. Products from western countries will be much enjoyed by....people.

A. all

B. city

C. country.

D. illeterate

3. Western ideas are identical with way of life.

A. modern

B. under-developed

C. poor

D. modest

4. The phrase 'the country folk' is more likely to refer to

A. Urbans B. metropolitans C. villagers D. foreigners

5. Illeterate people are those who cannot....... anything.

A. See

B. read

6. The word 'urban' means..........

C. speak

D. buy

A. State

B. village

C. country

D. city

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.A Sales promotion

2.A all

3.A modern

4.C villagers

5.B read

6.D city


1. From the point of view of publicity, the territory can be devided into two sections:

a) the urban people, who represent the market most open to Western ideas.

b) the country folk, whose social conditions are still primitive and who are mostly illeterate.


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Last Update: Tue, 26 Jul 22