Fill in the blanks with appropriate imperative verbs (isi bagian-bagian

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari banngbanh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill in the blanks with appropriate imperative verbs (isi bagian-bagian yang kosong dengan imperative verbs yang tepat/sesuai).1. ......... your hands before wearing a mask
2. ......... all the home works first before you go out
3. Don't ............. him, he is a big liar
4. Don't ..........  down on the bench. It's still wet
5. ....... for me please, don't leave me alone
6. ....... the chickens, all family members like fried chickens
7. Don't ...... the rubbish in the rivers and seas
8. .... the eggs, the butter and the flour!
9. ..... the water first, then put the noodles into the boiled water.
10. Don't ...... any decision when you are still angry
11. ........... your money if you want to buy a new bag
12. Let's ......... our holiday, don't think anything else, okay?
13. Don't ......... to pay your debts.
14. Let's .......... the mountain next weekend
15. ......... all the fruits into the refrigerator, please!
16. Don't ........ on the grass.
17. ........... all the ingredients and tools to make 'Ayam Taliwang'.
18. Don't ......... a noise. There is still an exam.
19. Let's ........ Borobudur temple together.
20. Don't ....... late to the class, the teacher will get angry with you


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Wash your hands before wearing a mask
  2. Finish all the homework first before you go out
  3. Don't trust him, he is a big liar
  4. Don't sit down on the bench. It's still wet
  5. Wait for me please, don't leave me alone
  6. Feed the chickens, all family members like fried chickens
  7. Don't throw the rubbish in the rivers and seas
  8. Mix the eggs, the butter and the flour!
  9. Boil the water first, then put the noodles into the boiled water.
  10. Don't make any decision when you are still angry
  11. Count your money if you want to buy a new bag
  12. Let's enjoy our holiday, don't think anything else, okay?
  13. Don't forget to pay your debts.
  14. Let's climb the mountain next weekend
  15. Put all the fruits into the refrigerator, please!
  16. Don't walk on the grass.
  17. Prepare all the ingredients and tools to make 'Ayam Taliwang'.
  18. Don't make a noise. There is still an exam.
  19. Let's visit Borobudur temple together.
  20. Don't be late to the class, the teacher will get angry with you.

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Last Update: Fri, 07 Jul 23