Indonesia has ensured that it will win both the gold

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fadyahdiana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Indonesia has ensured that it will win both the gold and silver medals in the men's doubles final in badminton after pairs Fajar Alfian-Muhammad Rian Ardianto and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo came out on top in their matches on Monday.Fajar and Rian defeated world number twos Li Junhui and Liu Yuchen of China 21-14, 19-21, 21-13 in a 47-minute match. Li and Liu are known as the Chinese twin towers because of their heights.

Fajar said that advice from their coach Herry Iman Pierngadi had helped the pair win the match.

"Koh [big brother] Herry suggested that we implement a tactic in which we don't make too many lob shots, but drive shots, to make the opponents nervous," Fajar said after the match.

He added that the pair was determined to win the gold medal against veterans Kevin and Gideon in the final on Tuesday.

Kevin and Gideon – dubbed the Minions by badminton fans – advanced to the final after beating Chinese Taipei's Lee Jhehuei and Lee Yang 21-15, 20-22, 21-12.

Despite being forced to battle their compatriots, Marcus and Kevin said they would do their best to win.

1. What would kevin and Marcus do in the final
2. What are their possible obstacles to win the match?
3. Do you think Indonesia Will still dominate the championship in the next five years? explain
4. What will the reader get after reading the text?
5. How do you feel after reading the text?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Kevin and Marcus will compete against each other in the final.

2. Their obstacle to win the match is that they will be facing their compatriots, and the pressure of winning for their country.

3. Indonesia will likely still dominate the championship in the next five years. They have a strong team of players and have proven to be one of the best teams in the world. Additionally, they are investing in their badminton infrastructure and providing more opportunities for young players.

4. The reader will get an understanding of the current badminton situation in Indonesia and how the country is poised to dominate the championship for the next five years.

5. After reading the text, I feel inspired and proud of Indonesia's badminton players for their hard work and dedication.


The core of the text above is Indonesia ensures that they will be winning gold and silver medals in the men's singles final round after pairs Fajar Alfian-Muhammad Rian Ardianto and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon-Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo succeeded in winning their matches on Monday. Kevin and Gideon expressed that they will do their best to win the final battle against their fellow countrymen.


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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23