mother: have you Made tea and sandwiches for the guests?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jisungparkndy127 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mother: have you Made tea and sandwiches for the guests?Ria: yes, mum. They have been already served on the table.
1. Change the underlined sentence into the passive!
2. What tense is used in the italic sentence?
3. "They have been already served on the table" Change the sentence Above into the active sentence!
4. They have been already served on the table"
What does the sentence mean?
5. "They have been already served on table"
what does the sentence mean?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The passive form of the sentence "have you made tea and sandwiches for the guests?" is "have the tea and sandwiches been made for the guests?"

2. The tense used in italic is present perfect tense.

3. The active sentence is "I have already served them on the table".

4. The sentence means that the tea and sandwiches are ready on a particular table.

5. The sentence means that the tea and sandwiches are ready on any table not a particular table.


Soal di atas membahas tentang passive formatau bentuk kalimat pasif untukpresent perfect tense. Bentuknya adalah:

  • Subject + have been + Verb 3

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Last Update: Tue, 23 May 23