Activity 4: Using Cause-and-Effect Conjunctions A. Write sentences with the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adimassajalah864 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 4: Using Cause-and-Effect Conjunctions A. Write sentences with the following conjunctions! 1. So 2. 6. Therefore : 7. As a result : 8. Owing to 3. 4. As 9. Due to 5. Thus 10. Since Identif which coniunctions belong to cause or effect! D Because : For Nilai​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The sentences are:

1. So: We build playground around here, so the kids can play.

2. Because: I help you because you are my friend.  

3. For: He is fifteen years in prison for a crime.

4. As: As you come here, I will treat you a baso.

5. Thus: They planned to come here, thus have a vacation.

6. Therefore: Rita didn't go with me, therefore I came here alone.

7. As a result: You didn't do your homework, as a result you got sentenced.

8. Owing: I have several million owing on my bike.

9. Due to: Due to the volcano eruption, the flight is delayed.

10. Since: Since I don't have plan, I can go with you tomorrow.


Kalimat di atas dibuat dengan memakai conjunction cause and effect (sebab dan akibat). Contohnya dalam kalimat:

He is fifteen years in prison for a crime.

Frasa pertama (he is fifteen years in prison) adalah akibat. Sedangkan frasa kedua (for a crime) adalah sebab.

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Last Update: Fri, 04 Nov 22