In recent years the term “pharmaceutical care” has established itself

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In recent years the term “pharmaceutical care” has established itself as a philosophy of practice, with the patient and the community as the primary beneficiaries of the pharmacist’s actions. Due to its rapid development, some pharmacist will be observing more in-depth about new possible treatments of pharmaceutical care. The concept is particularly relevant to special groups such as the elderly, mothers and children, and chronically ill patients, as well as to the community as a whole in terms of, for example, cost containment. Further, in pharmaceutical practice, the pharmacist will be treating elderly with distinguished approach. While the basic concepts of pharmaceutical care and good pharmacy practice are largely identical, it can be said that good pharmacy practice is the way to implement pharmaceutical care. The requirements of good pharmacy service are as follows:1.Good pharmacy practice requires that a pharmacist's first concern in all settings is the welfare of patients.
2.Good pharmacy practice requires that the core of the pharmacy activity is the supply of medication and other health care products of assured quality, appropriate information and advice for the patient, and monitoring of the effects of use.
3.Good pharmacy practice requires that the objective of each element of
pharmacy service is relevant to the patient, is clearly defined and is effectively communicated to all those involved.

Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

1.Find three criteria of a good pharmacy practice.
2.What is the closest meaning of the word “beneficiaries” in line 2?
3.What is the best possible title of the passage?
4.Find the two future progressive sentences in the passage.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. Three criteria of a good pharmacy practice are that a pharmacist's first concern is the welfare of patients, the core of pharmacy activity is the supply of medication and other health care products of assured quality, appropriate information and advice for the patient, and monitoring of the effects of use, and the objective of each element of pharmacy service is relevant to the patient, is clearly defined, and is effectively communicated to all those involved.
  2. "Beneficiaries" in line 2 means primary recipients or those who benefit from the pharmacist's actions.
  3. A possible title of the passage could be "Pharmaceutical Care and Good Pharmacy Practice."
  4. The two future progressive sentences in the passage are "some pharmacist will be observing more in-depth about new possible treatments of pharmaceutical care" and "the pharmacist will be treating elderly with distinguished approach."

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Apr 23