Change these positive statements into negative and interrogative statements! 1. The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azimyhapeworld pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change these positive statements into negative and interrogative statements!1. The queen is in the castle
2. The children are naughty
3. The girl in the class is sad
4. The women are happy
5. Raysa's boyfriend is handsome
6. Husin's twin is cute
7. The ducks are mine
8. My uncles are rich
9. The rain is hard
10. My parents are busy
11. My mother is a good doctor
12. My aunt is a nice person
13. The man who sits there is my father
14. The teachers are on the meeting
15. The people are the company workers

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Change these positive statements into negative and interrogative statements!

1. The queen is in the castle

(-) the queen is not in the castle


(?) is the queen in the castle

2. The children are naughty

(-) the children are not naughty


(?) are the children naughty

3. The girl in the class is sad

(-) the girl in the class is not sad


(?) is the girl in the class sad

4. The women are happy

(-) the woman are not happy


(?) are the woman happy

5. Raysa's boyfriend is handsome

(-) raysa boyfriend is not handsome


(?) is raysa boyfriend handsome

6. Husin's twin is cute

(-) husin's twin is not cute


(?) is husin's twin cute

7. The ducks are mine

(-) the ducks are not mine


(?) are the ducks mine

8. My uncles are rich

(-) my uncles are not rich


(?) are my uncle rich

9. The rain is hard

(-) the rain is not hard


(?) is the rain hard

10. My parents are busy

(-) my parents are not busy


(?) are my parents busy

11. My mother is a good doctor

(-) my mother is not a good doctor


(?) is my mother a good doctor

12. My aunt is a nice person

(-) my aunt is not a nice person


(?) is my aunt a nice person

13. The man who sits there is my father

(-) the man who sits there is not my father


(?) is the man who sits there my father

14. The teachers are on the meeting

(-) the teachers are not on the meeting


(?) are the teachers on the meeting

15. The people are the company workers

(-) the people are not the company workers


(?) are the people the company workers

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Last Update: Tue, 02 May 23