Understanding or discussion material about noun clause at the module

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari brinnacyo591 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Understanding or discussion material about noun clause at the module And then try to answer the questions. Exercise 2: Noun Clause as Object of preposition 1. Make up five new sentences with a noun clause as objects of preposition. 2. For each of the sentences you constructed, show that your noun clause is in fact the object of its preposition by replacing it with object pronoun. Exercise 2: Noun Clause as Subject 1. Create five more sentences in which noun clause functions as subject. 2. Apply the pronoun tests described just above to demonstrate that the Noun Clauses really are subjects.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Noun clauseasobjects of preposition:

a. You cannot play with someone who aren't interested in a game.

b. I am not interested in whatever you say.

c. She is not responsible for what the girl has done.

d. He is waiting for what his friend is planning.

e. I am really into writing.

2. Noun clauseassubject:

a. When she comes is not known yet.

b. When the superhero saves the victim from the danger is the most heroic scene.

c. When he will write is dependent on his mood.

d. Where the monster comes from is still a mystery.

e. Whoever wins that game will be famous.


Noun clauseasobject adalah klausa kata benda sebagai objek yang membuatnya bisa berfungsi sebagai layaknya objek biasa dan bisa diganti dengan object pronoun. Begitu pun bila noun clausesebagaisubject berarti noun clause tersebut berfungsi sebagai subjek dan bisa diganti dengan subject pronoun biasa.

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23