use there is and there are and in the room

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mariaastutidewiguna pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Use there is and there are and in the room with these words. make statement and questions. notice the examples.1. a table there is a table in the room.
is there a table in the room..?
2. chairs
3.a picture
5.a blackboard
6.a telephone
7.a windows
8.a rug
10.two doors
11.a closet

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Statement: There is a table in the room.

  Question: Is there a table in the room?

2. Statement: There are chairs in the room.

  Question: Are there chairs in the room?

3. Statement: There is a picture in the room.

  Question: Is there a picture in the room?

4. Statement: There are desks in the room.

  Question: Are there desks in the room?

5. Statement: There is a blackboard in the room.

  Question: Is there a blackboard in the room?

6. Statement: There is a telephone in the room.

  Question: Is there a telephone in the room?

7. Statement: There are windows in the room.

  Question: Are there windows in the room?

8. Statement: There is a rug in the room.

  Question: Is there a rug in the room?

9. Statement: There are people in the room.

  Question: Are there people in the room?

10. Statement: There are two doors in the room.

   Question: Are there two doors in the room?

11. Statement: There is a closet in the room.

   Question: Is there a closet in the room?

makasihnya jangan lupa :

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Last Update: Fri, 04 Aug 23