Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari umaribnu661 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Why does the sun go on shining. Why does the sea rush to shore. Don' they know it's the end of the world. Cause you don't love me anymore. Why do the birds go on singing. Why do the stars glow above. Don't they know it's the end of the world. It ended when I lost your love. I wake up in the morning and I wonder. Why everything the same as it was. I can't understand now I can't understand. How life goes on the way it does. Why does my heart go on beating. Why do the eyes of mine cry. Don't they know it's the end of the world. It ended when you said good bey.

swer the questions based on the song !!!

1.What is the tittle of the text?
2.What does the song tell us about?
3.What is the purpose of writing the song?
4What is the generic structure of the song?
5.How many stanzas are there in the song?
6.How many lines are there in each stanza?
7.Why does the writer think the world ends?
8.Why everything the same as it was.
What does the sentence mean?
9.How life goes on the way it does.
10.What does the sentence mean?
11.How does the singer feel with the song?
12.What is the imagery of the song?
13.What is the theme of the song ?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The title of the song is "The End of the World" by Lobo.

2. The song tells us about a person's heartbreak and how they feel that the world has ended because their love is no longer reciprocated.

3. The purpose of writing the song is to express the emotions and feelings of heartbreak and loss.

4. The generic structure of the song is a series of stanzas, each with four lines.

5. There are four stanzas in the song.

6. There are four lines in each stanza.

7. The writer thinks the world ends because they have lost the love of their life, which has shattered their world and left them feeling like nothing is the same anymore.

8. The sentence means that despite the writer's world being shattered by the loss of love, everything else in the world continues as it always has, which they find hard to understand.

9. The sentence means that life continues to move forward and goes on as usual, even though the writer's world has been turned upside down by the loss of love.

10. The singer feels sad and heartbroken with the song, as it expresses the pain of losing someone they loved deeply.

11. The imagery of the song includes references to the sun shining, the sea rushing to shore, birds singing, and stars glowing above. These images convey the idea that life goes on despite the writer's personal loss.

12. The theme of the song is heartbreak and loss, and how it can make someone feel like the world has ended for them.

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Last Update: Tue, 23 May 23