Choose the correct answer by using too or enough1. The

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jowea pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Choose the correct answer by using too or enough1. The bag is (too/enough) heavy. I can't carry it..

2. I spend (too/enough) much money this month. I'm going to be broke next month.

3. His voice is good (too/enough) for the singing contest.

4. I want to throw up because ate (too / enough) much.

5. Bella didn't study hard (too/enough) so she failed.

6. The coffee is (too/enough) hot to sip.

7. Our team was solid (too/enough). We got good teamwork.

8. The weather is (too/enough) windy. It's cold.

9. The guard is loyal (too / enough) to his boss.

10. There are (too/enough) many customers in that cafe.​
Choose the correct answer by using too or enough1. The bag is (too/enough) heavy. I can't carry it..2. I spend (too/enough) much money this month. I'm going to be broke next month.3. His voice is good (too/enough) for the singing contest. 4. I want to throw up because ate (too / enough) much.5. Bella didn't study hard (too/enough) so she failed. 6. The coffee is (too/enough) hot to sip.7. Our team was solid (too/enough). We got good teamwork.8. The weather is (too/enough) windy. It's cold.9. The guard is loyal (too / enough) to his boss.10. There are (too/enough) many customers in that cafe.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. The bag is too heavy. I can't carry it.
  2. I spend too much money this month. I'm going to be broke next month.
  3. His voice is good enough for the singing contest.
  4. I want to throw up because I ate too much.
  5. Bella didn't study hard enough so she failed.
  6. The coffee is too hot to sip.
  7. Our team was solid enough. We got good teamwork.
  8. The weather is too windy. It's cold.
  9. The guard is loyal enough to his boss.
  10. There are too many customers in that cafe.

Semoga membantu.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh rosinante19 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Apr 23