Aside from the current state of classical music and the

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Aside from the current state of classical music and the modern orchestra, one must also consider what classical music itself gives to the world. If one attends a symphony, such as Beethoven's 9th, one will find themselves impressed by the sheer magnitude of emotion and soul-feeding tonalities offered by the masters of classical composition. Beethoven himself once stated, "Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of a woman." - compelling words from a man who was nearly deaf by the time he wrote his Fifth symphony.what is the main idea in this paragraph??​

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The main idea in this paragraph is that classical music, especially works by composers like Beethoven, has the ability to evoke strong emotions and touch the soul. This is exemplified by the quote from Beethoven himself that music should inspire both excitement and tears in listeners.

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Last Update: Tue, 02 May 23