Dialog 11. what does the boy prohibit the girls from?2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari i6giselle pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Dialog 11. what does the boy prohibit the girls from?
2. what must the girls do?

Dialog 2
3. what are the boys doing?
4. what does the girl ask the boys?
5. why does the girl do it?

Dialog 3
6. why must the girl not take off her mask?
7. what must the girl do after the conversation?

Dialog 4
8. why does the boy throw trash into the wrong bin?
9. where must the boy throw the trash?
10. what can we learn from the conversation?​
Dialog 11. what does the boy prohibit the girls from?2. what must the girls do?Dialog 23. what are the boys doing?4. what does the girl ask the boys?5. why does the girl do it?Dialog 36. why must the girl not take off her mask?7. what must the girl do after the conversation?Dialog 48. why does the boy throw trash into the wrong bin?9. where must the boy throw the trash?10. what can we learn from the conversation?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the boy prohibit the girls from standing too close

2. the girls must distance themselve / the girls must to keep their distance


1. the boys are playing games

2. the girl prohibit the boys from playing games for hours

3. the girl do it to remind the boys as it can harm their eyes


1. the girl must not take off their mask because they are in a public area

2. the girl must wear her mask properly


1. the boy throw trash into the wrong bin because he didnt notice it

2. the boy must throw the trash to the green bin

3. what we learn is that reminding someone from doing the wrong action is a good thing

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Dec 22