Test 1: Simple Present or Present Progressive? TESTFill in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari huanencygesia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Test 1: Simple Present or Present Progressive? TESTFill in the correct form of the verb.
1. She...emails every day. (to send)
2. He...to music at the moment. (to listen)
3. Now it . (to snow)
4. We often...snowmen in the winter. (to build)
5. Jake sometimes...his dad in the garden. (to help)
6. Steve always...his homework. (to do)
7. Look! He...some English vocabulary. (to write) 8. The students in Germany...to school on Saturdays. (not to go)
9. Listen! The fans are...for their team. (to cheer)
10. He...out the photos right now. (to print)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Fill in the correct form of the verb.

1. She sends emails every day.

2. He is listening to music at the moment.

3. Now it is snowing

4. We often build snowmen in the winter.

5. Jake sometimes helps his dad in the garden.

6. Steve always does his homework.

7. Look! He is writing some English vocabulary.

8. The students in Germany don't go to school on Saturdays.

9. Listen! The fans arecheeringfor their team.

10. Heis printingout the photos right now.


Simple present tense dipakai untuk sesuatu yang merupakan kebiasaan, hal yang merupakan kebenaran umum.

Present progressive tense dipergunakan untuk sesuatu yang masih berlangsung saat si pembicara mengucapkan kalimat tersebut.

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Last Update: Wed, 10 Aug 22