Present-past arise- arose begin - began break - broke build

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari afdhala470 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Present-past arise- arose begin - began break - broke build - built catch - caught choose chose drive drove fall - fell eat - ate give - gave have - had hear - heard know- knew leave - left Present-past see saw sleep - slept teach taught take - took write wrote say - said shake shook sit - sat tell - told win - won pay - paid read - read mean meant put-put Present-past become became bend- bent bring - brought buy-bought cut - cut draw - drew drink drank find - found go - went grow - grew hide - hid keep - kept lead - led make - made tolong buatkan kalimat present past yg ada di atas​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Tentu! Berikut adalah kalimat-kalimat dengan penggunaan kata kerja dalam bentuk present (sekarang) dan past (lampau) yang Anda berikan:

1. I arise early in the morning, but yesterday I arose even earlier.

2. They begin the meeting at 9 AM, and yesterday they began it at 8 AM.

3. He breaks the record every year, but last year he broke the previous record.

4. We build a new house, and last year we built a beautiful cottage.

5. She catches the ball effortlessly, but yesterday she caught a difficult fly ball.

6. You choose the blue dress, but yesterday you chose the red one.

7. He drives a luxurious car, and last week he drove a sports car.

8. They fall asleep quickly, but yesterday they fell asleep late.

9. We eat lunch together every day, but yesterday we ate at a fancy restaurant.

10. She gives her sister a present, and last month she gave her a surprise gift.

11. They have a big garden, but last year they had a small balcony.

12. I hear the music playing, and yesterday I heard a beautiful song on the radio.

13. He knows the answer to the question, but last week he knew all the answers.

14. They leave for school early in the morning, but yesterday they left late.

15. I see a bird in the sky, and yesterday I saw a shooting star.

16. He sleeps peacefully at night, but last night he slept restlessly.

17. The teacher teaches English grammar, and last year she taught literature.

18. She takes a walk in the park, but yesterday she took a long hike in the mountains.

19. I write a letter to my friend, and yesterday I wrote a heartfelt message.

20. He says goodbye to his friends, and last week he said hello to new acquaintances.

Harap dicatat bahwa dalam bahasa Inggris, kata kerja bisa berubah bentuk tergantung pada waktu (present, past, dll.) dan subjek yang digunakan.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh ibnuzakih32 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sat, 19 Aug 23