Good morning to one and all present here. Today I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari akirasantoso1405 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Good morning to one and all present here. Today I have been given an opportunity to give a small speech on education. I hope everyone here learns something from it. Education could be defined as the process of gaining knowledge, skill, beliefs, and values that help in the growth and development of a person. Education is the most important asset, it is as important as food, shelter, and clothes. While the school and college education programs are relatively modern, the learning process has persisted for a long time. Humans have developed by learning themselves, and society must evolve. We can take the example of hunter- gatherers, they used to pass down their knowledge of hunting and h diarvesting food during different seasons. Today, education is the most important x of society as it helps in providing a job and starting a family. Educating helps in understanding the world in a better way Let US take An example to understand that, a person who know about corruption and other social issues Will play an important role in fighting it rather than a person who is unaware of anything. Education provides an individual with opportunities to prove themselves in society and be successful in the future. Education also provides an employment opportunity and if a person is employed and is working, the poverty of the country Will exponentially decrease which Will help in the development of the country.I would like to end this speech by saying education is very important as it helps in bringing economic progress and social change to the country. people who are educated Will help in inventing and bringing new ideas, which Will help in the development of the country. Thank you.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Good morning to one and all present here. Today I have been given an opportunity to give a small speech on education. I hope everyone here learns something from it. Education could be defined as the process of gaining knowledge, skill, beliefs, and values that help in the growth and development of a person. Education is the most important asset, it is as important as food, shelter, and clothes. While the school and college education programs are relatively modern, the learning process has persisted for a long time. Humans have developed by learning themselves, and society must evolve. We can take the example of hunter- gatherers, they used to pass down their knowledge of hunting and harvesting food during different seasons. Today, education is the most important aspect of society as it helps in providing a job and starting a family. Educating helps in understanding the world in a better way. Let us take an example to understand that, a person who knows about corruption and other social issues will play an important role in fighting it rather than a person who is unaware of anything. Education provides an individual with opportunities to prove themselves in society and be successful in the future. Education also provides an employment opportunity and if a person is employed and is working, the poverty of the country will exponentially decrease which will help in the development of the country. I would like to end this speech by saying education is very important as it helps in bringing economic progress and social change to the country. People who are educated will help in inventing and bringing new ideas, which will help in the development of the country. Thank you


Selamat pagi untuk semua yang hadir di sini. Hari ini saya telah diberikan kesempatan untuk memberikan pidato singkat tentang pendidikan. Saya harap semua orang di sini belajar sesuatu darinya. Pendidikan dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses memperoleh pengetahuan, keterampilan, kepercayaan, dan nilai-nilai yang membantu dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seseorang. Pendidikan adalah aset yang paling penting, sama pentingnya dengan makanan, tempat tinggal, dan pakaian. Sementara program pendidikan sekolah dan perguruan tinggi relatif modern, proses pembelajarannya telah berlangsung lama. Manusia telah berkembang dengan belajar sendiri, dan masyarakat harus berkembang. Kita bisa ambil contoh pemburu-pengumpul, mereka biasa mewariskan ilmu berburu dan memanen makanan pada musim yang berbeda. Saat ini, pendidikan adalah aspek masyarakat yang paling penting karena membantu dalam menyediakan pekerjaan dan memulai sebuah keluarga. Mendidik membantu dalam memahami dunia dengan cara yang lebih baik. Mari kita ambil contoh untuk memahami bahwa, orang yang tahu tentang korupsi dan masalah sosial lainnya akan memainkan peran penting dalam melawannya daripada orang yang tidak tahu apa-apa. Pendidikan memberi individu kesempatan untuk membuktikan diri di masyarakat dan menjadi sukses di masa depan. Pendidikan juga memberikan kesempatan kerja dan jika seseorang bekerja dan bekerja, kemiskinan negara akan berkurang secara eksponensial yang akan membantu pembangunan negara. Saya ingin mengakhiri pidato ini dengan mengatakan bahwa pendidikan sangat penting karena membantu membawa kemajuan ekonomi dan perubahan sosial di negara ini. Orang-orang yang berpendidikan akan membantu dalam menemukan dan membawa ide-ide baru, yang akan membantu dalam pembangunan negara. Terima kasih

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Last Update: Sun, 16 Jul 23