Activity 7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari acihnatasya05 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box. Then, act out the dialogues. Dialogue 1 Syifa Tuti Syifa Tuti Syifa Tuti Syifa Tuti information long : : : hunter marketing present Tuti, do you know the reason why a job (1) together with a cover letter? Yeah. All the (2) about ourselves will be written in the resume so it is important to write it carefully before writing the cover letter itself. What is the purpose of the (3) itself? : : resume : Actually, it is something like a (4) tool. You need to demonstrate that you have the right qualifications and education, you have the right skills and experience, and you also have the right level of professionalism for the job. should the resume be? But, how (5) I think there is no set length for a resume. It depends on your (6) : and education. If you haven't worked much before, I think one or two pages is best. Oh, I see. What about the structure of a resume? experience must write a resume ; You may (7) your resume information in order: contact details; opening statement; list of key skills; list of technical/software skills; personal attributes/ career overview; educational qualifications; employment history/volunteering/work placements; and references/referees.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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jadi kamu harus pake rumus



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Last Update: Sun, 08 Jan 23