from the following words into a good sentence using in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari angingaming14 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

From the following words into a good sentence using in order to or so that as the example given.Contoh:
1 . Action : Udin sweeps the floor now
Purpose : The room is clean
Answer : Udin is sweeping the floor now so that the room is clean

1. Action : Mom - take the medicine - 3 times a day
Purpose : Recover from flu
Answer :

2. Action : Bruno - bring dictionary yesterday
Purpose : Study English with Mr. Jack
Answer :

3. Action : Clara - study at college for 4 years
Purpose : Pursue her dream
Answer :

4. Action : Uncle - sell his old motorcycle 2 days ago
Purpose : He can buy the new one
Answer :

5. Action : Dad - should bring umbrella today
Purpose : Avoid getting wet in the rain
Answer :

Tolong bantu jawab ya ka'​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

mom is taking medicine so that she can recover from flu 2. bruno brought a dictionary yesterday to study english with mr.jack 3.clara studied at a college for 4 year to pursue her dream and get her dream job 4.uncle sold his old motorcycle 2 days ago to buy a new motorcycle 5.Dad is bringing the umbrella today

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Nov 22