Exercise - Simple Present Tense (Sentence) SECTION I In the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutiarasyaifap pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercise - Simple Present Tense (Sentence) SECTION I In the box, write [TRUE] if the sentence is correct, write [FALSE] if the sentence is incorrect. • If the sentence is incorrect, write the correct verb/to be to make it correct. (example: [FALSE] I eats chicken soup. (eat)) • Add more sentences for each number. (example: if the sentence is a positive sentence, so add the negative sentence and interrogative sentence in the space below) 1. A nurse take patient's vital signs. (-) (?) 2. Nurse Angela workes in the orthopaedic ward. (-) (?) *********** ****** ********* 3. Mr Russel does not have many visitors during his hospital stay. (+). (?) ************​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. [FALSE] A nurse takes patient's vital signs. (take)

(-) Does a nurse not take patient's vital signs? (Doesn't a nurse take patient's vital signs?)

2. [FALSE] Nurse Angela works in the orthopaedic ward.

(-) Does Nurse Angela not work in the orthopaedic ward? (Doesn't Nurse Angela work in the orthopaedic ward?)

(?) Does Nurse Angela work in the paediatric ward?

3. [TRUE] (+) Mr Russel has many visitors during his hospital stay.

(?) Does Mr Russel have many visitors during his hospital stay? (-) Mr Russel does not have any visitors during his hospital stay.


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Last Update: Wed, 05 Jul 23