Questions: 1. Where did the story take place?2. Who is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari deisya200609 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions:1. Where did the story take place?
2. Who is Bandung Bondowoso?
3. Why could not Prambanan win the fighting with Pengging?
4. Who was Roro Jonggrang?
5. What was Roro Jonggrang's response for Bandung Bondowoso's proposal?
6. What did Roro Jonggrang do to ruin Bandung Bondowoso's plan in building the temples?
7. Why did not the genies finish their work to build 1,000 temples?
8. What did Bandung Bondowoso do when he couldn't finish his work?
9. How many temples did Bandung Bondowoso build? 10. How did Roro Jonggrang do to make a light in the midnight?​
Questions: 1. Where did the story take place?2. Who is Bandung Bondowoso? 3. Why could not Prambanan win the fighting with Pengging?4. Who was Roro Jonggrang? 5. What was Roro Jonggrang's response for Bandung Bondowoso's proposal?6. What did Roro Jonggrang do to ruin Bandung Bondowoso's plan in building the temples? 7. Why did not the genies finish their work to build 1,000 temples? 8. What did Bandung Bondowoso do when he couldn't finish his work? 9. How many temples did Bandung Bondowoso build? 10. How did Roro Jonggrang do to make a light in the midnight?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: Kingdom Prambanan

2.Bandung Bondowoso is a king of Pengging kingdom

3.Prambanan could not win the war because Bandung bondowoso had a supernatural power.

4.The daughter of king prambanan

5.She mad at Bandung bondowoso cause he made the people of prambanan suffered and ask him "if you want to marry me build a thousand temple in one night"

6.she prepare a lot of straw and burn them so the genies will think the sun is going to rise

7.The genies are running away cause they think the sun is rising

8.he made roro jonggrang a temple

9.1000th Temple as roro jonggrang is the last temple he made

10.She burn so many straw so it look like the sun is rising

Sorry if i'm wrong but human is'nt great afterall


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Last Update: Tue, 30 May 23