Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, which also includes

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Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, which also includes the wasps and bees. Anta are distinguished from many of their nearest relatives by two characteristics: a narrow “waist” and elbowed antennae. Ants also differ from most other insects in that they are social, similar to termites and certain bees and wasps. This means that ants live in large cooperative groups called colonies. Two or more generations overlap in the colony: adults take care of the young and are divided into castes, specialized groups that take care of certain tasks. Ants have reproductive castes, the gueens and males, and non-reproductive castes, the workers. Ants are among the most successful insects. Experts estimate that there could be 20,000 or more species of ants in the world. They have evolved to filla variety of different ecological niches as predators, herbivores, leaf-cutters, seed-harvesters, aphid-tenders, and fungus-growers. They are found in deserts and rainforests, mountains and valleys, from the Arctic Circle to the tip of South America. Angs range in size from 0.75 to 52 millimetres. They also vary in colour, most being black or red.Ants feed on many different types of food. Some species will feed on practically anything: others may limit their food to a narrow range. Ants inbesting structures are typically feeding on “people food,” both food in storage (sugar, cakes, cookies, breakfast cereals, etc.) and food from spills and garbage. But they may also be preying on other insects or scavenging on dead insects in windows or lights. Summarize the text by completing the sentences below. 1.Unlike most insects,ants are.... 2.Ants.....a waist and antennae 3.Ants live in..... 4.Ants are divided.... 5.In the ecosystem,ants..... 6.Ants feed on..... 7.Ants family... 8.Ants colour.... 9.Ants food..... 10.Ants sizes..... 11.Ants niches..... 12.Ants species.....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  • Unlike most insects, ants are social and live in large cooperative groups called colonies.
  • Ants are distinguished by a narrow “waist” and elbowed antennae.
  • Ants live in large cooperative groups called colonies.
  • Ants are divided into castes, specialized groups that take care of certain tasks.
  • In the ecosystem, ants have evolved to fill a variety of different ecological niches as predators, herbivores, leaf-cutters, seed-harvesters, aphid-tenders, and fungus-growers.
  • Ants feed on many different types of food, including “people food,” other insects, and dead insects.
  • Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, which also includes the wasps and bees.
  • Ants vary in color, with most being black or red.
  • Ants' food ranges from practically anything to a narrow range.
  • Ants sizes range from 0.75 to 52 millimeters.
  • Ants have evolved to fill a variety of different ecological niches as predators, herbivores, leaf-cutters, seed-harvesters, aphid-tenders, and fungus-growers.
  • Experts estimate that there could be 20,000 or more species of ants in the world.

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Last Update: Fri, 09 Jun 23